Dr. Delio is the general editor of a new book series published by Orbis Books called “Catholicity in an Evolving Universe.” This is a multi-volume series that seeks to expand and deepen a new understanding of catholicity in light of the new cosmology. The books published to date include:
Ilia Delio, Making All Things New: Catholicity, Cosmology, and Consciousness, 2015.
Diane Bergant, A New Heaven, A New Earth: The Bible and Catholicity, 2016. Winner of 2017 Catholic Press Book Award, Scripture, 1st Place.
Heidi Russell, Source of All Love: The Trinity and Catholicity, 2017. Winner of 2018 Catholic Press Book Award, Faith and Science, 2nd Place.
James Coriden, Law, Spirit, and Catholicity, 2018.
Thomas E. Hosinski, Image of the Unseen God: Catholicity, Science, and Our Evolving Understanding of God, 2017. Winner of 2018 Catholic Press Book Award, Faith and Science, 1st Place.
Joseph Bracken, Church as Dynamic Life-System: Shared Ministries and Common Responsibilities, 2019.
Mary Frohlich, Birthed into Wholeness: Catholicity and Life in the Spirit, 2019.
Daniel Horan, Catholicity and Emerging Personhood: A Contemporary Theological Anthropology, 2019. Winner of 2019 Excellence in Publishing Award (Association of Catholic Publisher), Theology, 1st Place.
Donald C. Maldari, Christian Ministry in the Divine Milieu: Catholicity, Evolution, and the Reign of God, 2019. Winner of 2019 Catholic Press Book Award, Theology, 3rd Place.
Edwin Olson, And God Created Wholeness: A Spirituality of Catholicity, 2018. Winner of the 2019 Catholic Press Book Award, Faith and Science, 1st Place.
Massimo Faggioli, The Liminal Papacy of Pope Francis: Moving Toward Global Catholicity, 2020.