
February 5, 2020:  Sacred Heart University – Doctor of Humane Letters.   An honorary degree granted by the board and faculty of Sacred Heart University for my work in science and religion.

August 20, 2019:  Michael Ramsey Book Prize – shortlisted for book Making All Things New.  $1200 awarded.

July 2018 – July 2021:  I am in the third year of a Public Theology and Technologies of Presence Fellowship sponsored by The Institute for Buddhist Studies, University of California-Berkeley. This is a three-year $10,000 award funded by the Henry Luce Foundation.

May 10, 2015, Honorary Degree, Doctor of Science, St. Francis University, Loretto, PA.

Doyle Teaching Fellowship 2014-2015, Georgetown University.

Catholic Press Book Award 2014 for The Unbearable Wholeness of Being: God, Evolution and the Power of Love.   3rd place:  Faith and Science.

Silver Nautilus Book Award 2014 for The Unbearable Wholeness of Being: God, Evolution and the Power of Love.

Catholic Press Book Award 2012 for The Emergent Christ: exploring the meaning of Catholic in an Evolutionary Universe.   3rd place:  Faith and Science.

Catholic Press Book Award 2009 for Care for Creation:  A Franciscan Spirituality of the Earth (1st place:  Social Concerns; 2nd place: Spirituality).

Templeton Local Societies Initiative Award, 2002.

Templeton Course Award in Science and Religion, 2000.

Presidential Scholarship, Fordham University, 1992.

Biology Award for Excellence in Research, DeSales University, 1977.